I’m going to start doing a diary of whats happening daily, at this point NYC might be put under heavy quarantine so a journal might be interesting if things hit the fan. If you find this interesting hit me up on twitter! As of saturday, New York State has 525 confirmed cases, with 183 in the city.
Monday – Tuesday
Nothing extremely eventful happened these days. I went to work on the subway each day. I tried to stagger it and go to the end of the cars and avoid the busiest times on the hour. At work we put up hand sanitizer next to the doors and began preparing WFH protocols.
Last day in the office. Instead of communal lunch we each got salads ordered to work. Around 8 of us still ate lunch together. At the end of the day we celebrated a co-workers birthday with cake. We still had hand sanitation rules in place though.

Today was my first day of working from home. I don’t have any signs of yet, and 0 known reasons too.
I thought that since it was the middle of the afternoon, that the grocery store might be less busy. Unfortunately when i got there, there were no shopping carts left and every register had 3-5 people wating to check out. I still scoped out the store and nearly all chicken and toilet paper / bleach wipes were gone. Thankfully we have another grocery store 6 blocks away so I went and picked up a few things there instead.
My wife also started her first of 3 days back to work at her hospital.

Other people in my work began WFH, so we’re slowly getting some automated reporting set up. I’m setting up a daily bot to do Standup checkins for a few groups. We also set up a wiki for our work, for documents and guides on how we can work remotely. I tied the wiki into Zapier notification in slack for when we update / publish new docs.
A fellow nurse on my wives floor might be positive for COVID, so we’re beginning extra pre-cations once she gets home, such as clearing the entry way, bleaching shoes, putting all scrubs in a trash bag. Thankfully she hasn’t worked with that person since Saturday, so I think we’ll begin self quarantining, rather than leaving the city for a week.
Also went back to the first grocery store, which was less busy, to grab a few things.
Other than walking Dante, I stayed home and did a lot of Breath of the Wind playing! I’m monitoring the city decently well through r/CoronaVirus, r/nycCoronaVirus, and r/CoronavirusNewYork. In the meantime, I’ve been doing a lot of reworking locally on my site.
I switched from using Vagrant to Local by Flywheel as my local container for WordPress sites. I’m also moving away from Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS. Now that I have a week of quarantine I might be get to focus on that.
My wife’s floor has at-least 5 – 10 infected patients, so its looking pretty good she/we will get it. I’ll start using a mask, when I go out to walk Dante.